Saturday, July 18, 2009

Examine me and know my disquieting thoughts...

Once again, it's Saturdays. I always love the weekends like this. Who wouldn't love it, anyway? But not the weather.

Feels like it's one of those days when it seems that you haven't got the nerve to get up and you just want to stay in bed the whole day. Just blame it on the weatherman!

(Photo via Katalinaa)
Search through me, O God, and know my heart.
Examine me, and know my disquieting thoughts,

And see whether there is in me any painful way,
And lead me in the way of time indefinite.
-Psalm 139:23-24

Someone just randomly tweet asking, "where in the world are YOU today?" In case you might be wondering... News Flash: I've haven't got new stories to tell. Nothing pretty much at all. I've got nothing much to say except I'm not satisfied tweaking this header blog theme every now and then. It looks as though everything doesn't fit in. I was thinking of a classy font that goes my theme sadly I'm still unsuccessful.

Other than that, I'm stuck somewhere no better and no worse. I think that's best way to describe it. So far life is great. Would you believe that?

Probably, it's a good thing not to sweat for the little things. There are moments we just have to learn how to take things as it is. Easier said than done, I know. I've been through it and you are too. Most of the time I'm having a a hard time to reminding myself all over again...

Today's Self Mantra: "No one can take away my peace."

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