Friday, April 10, 2009

Sometimes you can't make it on your own...

As it turned out I never thought it would take me off some time to be able to get back on here again. So many things going on at this time of the year that some of us might be doing at some point. There, as I expected my laptop broke at the most unexpected time. Anyway, it is eventually giving up for it does give me a hard time using it! How frustrating!

Thanks to the ever generous younger sister for letting me do some updates from time to time. I really don't know if I can't stand a week without checking online. I'm on the process of waiting for the new replacement I've purchased on ebay. I really didn't get it. How come they keep me waiting for almost 3 weeks now. I don't know. The seller told me it usually would take some more weeks for it to arrive. Well, that is how their system works. And it leaves everything on my part pending even the work online. But still I'm keeping my days more productive on more greater things to do.

Of course, how can I forgot how special this month is. Yesterday is our Memorial Day. I'm surprised how the numbers of people attending this year increased compare to the other years. Just in our congregation, the attendance is about 455. I'm just glad to be part of those numbers who hadn't forgotten how much important it is that Jesus' sacrifice as well as the bigger sacrifice our father Jehovah did for the most of us individually. It just left me a feeling of... I don't know. It's not something to be sad for or anything. It's just that times are changing. Everything changed. I'm not gonna write more about it. Maybe in some other time of my posts. I really do have such a limited time here. But for the benefit of some spiritual friends I just want to let you know that I'm doing good not better not that worse. That is something to be thankful for no matter what. I'm trying my best and I know we all do in this system to do our best for Jehovah, no one else.

Also, it means that no new picture still to posts. I know, I've got a lot of catching up to do mostly here and there. We will see. We still have a lot of time. Make the most of it. That's only the best thing that we can do. Keep on the fine fight while the prize is on like they say.

Thanks for wasting time with me!

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