Friday, April 24, 2009

Change of season

Fancy meeting y'all in this bubble we called the "Blogosphere".

Once again, you caught me off guard these past few days. I can hardly get everything started.

I guess, I'm pretty much distracted by so many issues on the run unintentionally.

Anyway, I'm still sitting here on the couch next to my dog and a cat typing all my guts and never been on a long vacation as if I have a choice.

The summer is slowly fading away as the anticipation of rain coming every afternoon.

Somehow, it reminds me how time and the years can easily escape into your hands like a gravel of sand. I think that's the way it is. Things are always go into some sort of a cycle, it never cease. In one blink of an eye, you'll found yourself into another season in a year.

Whether we like it or not, for the most part of what we are today are made of those years. But we cannot stay being the person we used to be. People would say you have to grow and find your place in the sun as if it’s all that matters in this lifetime.

Well, they can say whatever they want. Criticize you to the extreme. How often those who tried to please people mostly live a meaningless life. Hold on to your dream.

Never regret the past only the wasted years.

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