Monday, April 27, 2009

Joining Blogging Against Disablism

So far, the weekend is over. I can finally say that I’ve got plenty of reason to rejoice as I’m stepping at the start of this week. The Sunday’s special talk raised so many points for me to reflect, and to think about in regards with the different aspects of my life right now.

It’s always been a great feeling for me knowing that I have something to hold on to when it comes to my faith in God. I guess, I’ve been enlighten in so many ways that I can’t help myself but to talk about it. When it comes to my faith it is something I highly do regards as a part of my way of living and not as an obligatory I’m oblige to give in return.

Somehow, our prayers are continually answered as we keep on knocking on to the Most High as He greatly knows us more than we know ourselves. Once again, I’m not trying to be preachy here. I don’t know you. But as we are living in this life, it would be great to live for something like a purpose why we are on this earth, why we keep on trying and why we still hope against hope.

Having that hope means so much to me. Sometimes, I tried to choose it and sometimes I don’t. Those are some moments when I felt like I’m so fragile emotionally and physically. Some sort of exhaustion from waking up in the morning looking at myself, feels like nothing is change and I’m still sitting on this chair for some reasons I can’t hardly get up.

Hopefully, in my lengthier blog later I’ll discussed about my genetic bone disorder for the benefit of those people who by chance bumps on my blog and somehow I’m able to pass some sort of awareness. The heck with it! You don’t know how close I am to leaving this “blog” which became a part of my lifeline in the past couple of years.
Yeah, I did pour my heart into this like I said my lifeline and my rear-view mirror to the world to write my suppressed thoughts as much I would like to tell people.

Well, I’m very eager to update this regularly. I’ve been thinking about joining in a blog group called “Blogging against Disablism” on May 1st 2009 as a campaign on awareness where we have to write our own life story, struggles and challenges living as a disabled person.

I hope I’m able to come up here and write about it. I’ve been blogging for almost four years now and I never joined in any groups of bloggers online, feels like it’s going to be something new to me for sure. Right now, I went back to Squidooing again. I notice that I had a lot of WIP’s lens on my dashboard in the past couple of months. I tried to focus on writing reviews, music, and food lens which I mostly know how.

I don’t know. I got so many plans in my head but due to lack of eagerness in my part it didn’t push through. I guess, that’s the way it is. We sometimes have to go on the flow. Just let it be.

Anyway, more randomize rants. The two pups (Ella and Dalgoon... I know, weird names for a dog) are given away for adoption today. They are given to our close relatives. Oh, yeah... I’m quite sad for being with them for quite some months now. Oh my, my mom’s babies. We have no choice but to let go of them. How can it that be??? The laptop I’m purchased doesn’t arrive yet! How frustrating!

They said, it gets tougher more and more everyday but that’s what it keep us going.

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