Sunday, January 15, 2012

For a pessimist I'm pretty much an optimistic.

This is probably the most laid back weekend I'd ever spent. 

More talk less confrontational arguments.

Pretty much the usual everyday musings here and there as my thoughts wandering where this year will going to lead me to. I guess, I'll just have let it go for now and sort it out or probably let everything go unplanned for the mean time and lift everything up to the hands of the Most High as it was supposed to be.

For the most part, it always seems that change is the only permanent thing in the world. I know at times I become so silly when it comes to talking about these facets of realities. And yet it does happens, mostly to people in general.

I therefore say that these bitter sweet  episodes of life's miseries are essential to make or break you and even mold you to be the person like you are today. I tried to believe that everything in life comes into a matter of phase per se which differs in its impact and there are those suddenly subsides as if nothing ever happens. Still, it's all become tolerable in the end no matter how you picture yourself in the verge of giving up on that particular time. It just comes like a sort of a madness.

I don't know if I consider it a blessing or curse. But for a pessimist I'm pretty much an optimistic that in the end we'll find our own place under the sun.

Finding our passion.

Living life for something to look forward to or being happy to our own sort of happiness not by others' standard.

I've been a little too hard on myself lately for not letting other people's constraint and opinion overshadowed the things I'd love to do and the things that I can only do. It is great at least for once in awhile to be conform in your own sort of comfort zone where your own potentials are possible.

Since this is my life I have all the right and free will to whom I will exert my precious time and effort and that is none other than to those I consider helpful to my growth and can see beauty even in the ugliest moments in life. I don't need those obnoxious critics who only want to be heard their side of the story and they are also those who will literally slap you in the face to make you feel how miserable your life is because you can't even afford to be in their shoes. Shame on you but to be blunt I can go on with my life without you all.

I just realize this life is not complicated after all. People do complicate things. Like I do complicate things that I should not bother myself with all these complications that life has to throw most of the time.

Now, I don't even know how to end this ramblings so let me say, let it be.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yes Naiza,

The 'obnoxious critics' negativity at times can be very discouraging. And so it is good to know you know when to say 'when' that you do what is needed to stay happy.

Just know, I appreciate you and others do too.
