Monday, December 5, 2011

Methinks Currently #2

listening to: My Sacrifice by the band Creed.. nothing in particular actually.. just old random playlist sitting in my winamp.

thinking: future writing goals

wishing: for something edible and sweet!

feeling: exhausted and over-thinking

wanting: to be missed by the world

reading: too preoccupied to read books lately.. I'm evil, I know.

wearing: the same old random stuff in my cabinet.. a white shirt and floral pajamas

hoping: to finished a lens ideas I started since a week ago.

enjoying: the newly installed wifi at home.

needing: more patience and energy to accomplish goals both in spiritual and secular life.

weather: 23-31 deg. pretty much the weather is crazy the whole day so far.. now it's freaking hot..

wondering: will I ever get the motivation to finish all these web content stuff tonight?!

Thanks to all those who are still up and reading this. :)

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