Monday, December 5, 2011

Just for the sake of my love for blogging..

I can't believe I've been blog-less for such a long time now. I'm too caught up with so many whirlwind going on in real life. In a situation like this, it's either you are in controlled or being controlled most likely. I'm trying hard to find my focus and acceptance that each and everyone of us goes through these series of realization towards life in general.

All these things came about after the passing of my grandfather who succumb to cancer for almost a month now. I guess, there's still a part of me that is grieving for him that somewhere at the back of my head thoughts came in,  I will no longer able to see him again in this life.

Somehow, just encountering the death of a loved one made you realize that death is a part of life that no one is excuse. That is where grieving came into the picture. People tend to grief in so many different ways. It's being human. A fascinating switch of emotion through joy, pain and grief that takes you into a totally different experience. I really can't do that all at the same time. It's too emotionally absorbing and draining to the body. Good grief.

And there you came December. I know it wasn't the easiest time of the season for me in terms of my physical condition where feels like I'm caught with a certain type of cold virus. Well, what a fuzzy month. Plus, the year is totally coming to an end as time flies by so swiftly. I barely notice it. Pretty much this is my life I'm supposed to get used to it.

Now I need to focus my remaining energy to formulate new niche ideas in the coming days. Maybe create my very own bucket list, website, write letters and procrastinate more (the best job in the world!). 

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