Monday, February 15, 2010

Monday Madness

I started a little off this week. There's the dreaded flu, runny nose and fever. It always does happen to me every time it changes the month. February pretty much nothing is going on special lately.

I'm still riding the same old routines but it's not very like me to welcome any negative facets of thinking as this very moment. Though I know at the back of my head, it linger still the issues of the family and that is something no joke to be in the first place.

I guess, we all get tired at the issues at times and it feels suffocating inside the bubble. As well as the feeling of being angry the other day somewhat consumes me before I get sick. Why is that there people who are trying to be so superficially sweet and all of a sudden they would angry at you when you didn't gave them what they need? I'm totally sulking the other day that somehow it fall over the place and mixed up everything.

Okay it pretty much summed up what I am feeling today. My head still achingly pounding. Now I'm planning some clock watching real soon or maybe curl up with a good book.

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