Monday, January 11, 2010

Simply Breaking the Habit

For quite often than not, it's great to take a break from everything from time to time especially the things we commonly do in a regular basis. Yes, I do get bored at times. I don't know. It must be the feeling when you are working at home online and since this is what I get paid for I might as well mentioned about it. I felt that the routines are sickeningly overrated. Sort of we all need space to get out of our comfort zones!

It's not FUNNY though. Period.

Anyway, I mean all that in a good way to find a breather with the things I usually can't myself bugged all the time. This is still so far the greatest job in the world! I declared in awe and never really a doubt.

What else is new? Let me see, finally got the same old brand new hair-do that I use to carry on these days. Just need to straighten out the curls and get rid of the waves a bit for it was giving me real bad hair day. A combo of Revenge of the Nerds meets Napoleon Dynamite in the making! Picturing it, it was truly a disaster.

So I challenge anyone of you, get out of your mac or PC. Set aside the issues and the dramas at the back seat. Take a deep breath, curl up to read a book, go shopping for yourself or for your loved ones, watch a DVD marathon of TV series you loved and get a new hair cut or else that matters to you and see for yourself. It feels good to enjoy and live life!

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