Tuesday, June 17, 2008


This 2am habit of mine became too habitual (no pun intended!). All I can think of right now is very much off-topic. It's just so weird writing your thoughts on how you started your day even though to some finally called it "a day". As usual I started it with a lot of enthusiasm hoping that I'm still doing the right thing. For the most part I live one day at a time. Its so great waking up everyday with a glee feeling that once again I had surpassed another milestone just for the sake of living this life. It may sound as cheesy as it does, I can finally say that I am ALIVE! Its not that I am not feeling really like it so so years ago. Its just that this time it's just so different being alive through the realization that I eventually learned to let go maybe some of the pain and the scars brought by the unexpected turn out of events and circumstance. The heck with it! Isn't life is full of surprises?

But, I must tell you that I hate surprises even though how fun and enjoyable it is. I think it does scares me to think that I might tend to overlooked the other side of things. For so many times, I'm afraid of speaking what's on my mind so far to stand in what you believe is right does cost anything at all. Being in the shadow of other people's expectations can be so grueling and it sucks. And for that reason I missed the fun knowing that even though doing some things doesn't really fun at all, we all deserve to be happy. Happiness is what we are. If we want to be happy is up to us. I believe that it is at this crucial times it must be self-imposed even with a smallest things that you can do your own way. If at the end of the day you haven't heard someone praise your work or the stuff that you do, be thankful still you are on the right track because not everyone's liking it and you have to expect it!

If one day you found yourself questioning God on whatever life leads you to, seize a moment and reflect there might something wrong with you...

I kept on recalling the other day the things I had encountered while on the way to the hospital. We had such a hard time on catching on the ride because some of the TAXI's doesn't want to take us in. That's the problem when you are residing a couple of miles from Metro Manila... People fond of demanding higher pays on all almost anything. As the usual part of the story, A good Samaritan was sent by the heavens and I was very pleased that our travel finally went pretty good. These are our everyday heroes. People who will come to meet us in an unexpected time and place. You have to learn to accept yourself, for what you are and for what you are not. People will try to change you, brainwash you that this is the right thing to do until you finally lost yourself. It shouldn't be that way. Don't let them be the judge. Don't let them take your soul. Your very soul to make a difference into this world. Forgive even the smaller details all the things that you can't hold on into yourselves. They are there for you to gather strengths out from that weaknesses. What if at the end of the day you are feeling unloved and lost? It might be that the physical heart is the most vulnerable part of the human body. We merely exists for the same valid reason that it never skips a beat whether we like it or not. Even in death it kept up its fight, it never cease.

Here's another thing if at the end of the day you haven't heard that someone likes you too, leave it. Again, don't be hard on yourself for creating false hopes and assumptions. You deserve someone much better than that, Moron! Shame on him! After all, you have nothing lose. The only thing that could be so hard is putting on that shoes everyday, walking around gazillion bunch of people all eyes on you as if everything is alright and you manage to make a laugh to patch the other side of you tearing apart. Remember, this world is a world of made-pretend better wear the toughest skin you can ever be. Sometimes, it's so easy to give these advices rather than to be the one seeking because not a quarter you can ever understand nor took the hurt just what that person going through not until you yourself goes through with it...

Therefore we do not give up, but even if the man we are outside is wasting away, certainly the man we are inside is being renewed from day to day. For though the tribulation is momentary and light, it works out for us a glory that is of more and more surpassing weight and is everlasting; while we keep our eyes, not on the things seen, but on the things unseen. For the things seen are temporary, but the things unseen are everlasting... 2 Cor. 4:16-18

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