Sunday, August 24, 2008

So, what's on your bucket list?

...Today is a different day. No arguing or whatsoever. People often argue with a lot of logical and possible reason and I’m tired of arguments and I’m tired of arguing back. In a worst case scenario, I often found myself kept everything shut and even unresolved. Lately I realize that there is no easy way out in an argument on whose side you can win or lose. It is something I really don’t need to do just to convince myself that I have to fit in into a mold.. I don’t know.

All I want to do right now is to live for the moment. Leave the trace of the issue behind. Don’t sweat for the little things that can add up to lose my own composure to withstand the on going pressure of everyday life. So, what about writing my own version of bucket list? Have you seen the movie with the same name? I just thought of that this morning while pondering how circumstance changes everything lately. Could it be for better or for worse? Another sour-grape or am I just procrastinating?

Here you go! Please don’t tell anyone even my mom! So, here are my lists of the things I want to do before I die, if I only got one day to live, feed the cats, nor kick the bucket. Just don’t take things so seriously! It’s all for now in random order..

1) Carpe Diem, as Horace said.

2) Write a letter to friends, family, relatives, enemies, and strangers who I meet in this lifetime.

3) Learn more foreign language.

4) Travel to Arcidosso

5) Visit Louvre to see the Mona Lisa.

6) Go on a Safari

7) Update this blog regularly no matter how boring the day went was for me.

8) Compose a song.

9) Hug and tell my mom I love her!

10) Taste kopi luwak.

11) Learn archery.

12) Bungee jump.

13) Jump on a cliff.

14) Ride a horse.

15) Scream up to the top of my lungs.

16) Ride a carousel

17) Watch the sunset.

18) Go on mountain climbing

19) A walk on a seashore

20) Write a book, novel or any piece of literature.

21) Put up a sanctuary for animals like dogs and cats.

22) Write a movie script.

23) A party, or gathering with all the people who love me.

24) Tell my dad all the things I never have the chance to.

25) Go in an orchard.

26) Eat exotic food.

27) Go on fishing.

28) Watch a movie.

29) Learn how to use more a cell phone.

30) Create my own website.

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